Finn's Fic
Slash and Gen fics are marked as such.
The "Telephone" Series
1. And How Was Your Day, Honey? (PG - for squicky mental imagery [Slash])
2. Reaching Out To Call Somerat (PG - Just for the hell of it [Slash])
3. Crossed Lines (PG - Hoi, more squicky images [Slash])
The Introspectives Series
Awfully Fond Of You (G [Slash]) NEW
Regional Food Stories (Brought about by a homework assignment on AlexK-H-C-orD)
See the others on Elaine's site: Full House Slash though you'll have to search for them
The Perspectives Trilogy
Lyric Wheel Entries [Pollyanna's Lyric Wheel Page]
Aftermath (Red Shirt Lyric Wheel [Written from the POV of someone not on the cast list] [Gen])
Words to the Wise (Literary Lyric Wheel [Based off a literary quote] [Gen])
Baby You Can Drive My Car (Transport Lyric Wheel [Gen])
The Law (R - For violence [Kipling, Another view] [Slash])
Over The Rooftops (G - A night of music and song... [Gen])
Ratboy's LiveJournal - A place for me to dump snippet stuff that pops into my head..[Gen]
Consortium Hunter (G - Yipe, Croc Hunter Crossover. All Lady Midath's fault. [Gen])
Caring For Your Rat (Hmm. PG? [Take it as you will])
Broken - For Peja's 'Broken' challenge (G [Slash])
Squeak Sqwiky-sqwiky Squnk - Peja's "Wasn't Thinking" challenge (PG [Slash])
Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster Have a Lot To Answer For (PG-13 [Slash])
Last updated 25/10/04 (geez.. it's been a year...)